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XCheck Tool User Version

ThermoChimie is a thermodynamic database initially created and developed by Andra (French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency) in 1995. In October 2014, RWM (Radioactive Waste Management Limited NDA, UK) joined the project and the ThermoChimie consortium was formed. In March 2018, Ondraf/Niras (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management, Belgium) also joined the ThermoChimie consortium. Since then, the database has continued growing and improving its functionalities.

The XCheck Tool, developed by Amphos 21, is designed to consult the thermodynamic data included in the latest ThermoChimie database version in a very easy and intuitive way. The interface and the filtering capabilities of the tool can help you to classify, retrieve and export the information available in ThermoChimie. Database supporting documents, information on current and previous versions, and the extraction files compatible with different geochemical codes are available in the ThermoChimie main page.